
Organize the files and directories of your tasks in separate directories!

Task: Cargo 📦️

Use cargo to install the following crates:

  • cargo-update
  • tealdeer

It might take a long time to compile everything.

cargo-update should be installed to be able to run cargo install-update -a to update all installed crates. Try running the command. But you should not find any updates since you did just install the crates.

The crate tealdeer provides you with the program tldr.

Run tldr --update. Then run the following two commands:

tldr dnf
tldr apt

It should be obvious to you what tldr does after you run the commands above and read their output. Try it with other programs than dnf and apt!

🟢 Run cs task cargo.

Task: Fish configuration

Disable the default greeting by Fish everytime you start it.

The configuration file should be ~/.config/fish/config.fish.

🟢 Run cs task fish-config.

Task: Fish in Zellij

Configure Fish as the default Zellij shell.

🟢 Run cs task fish-in-zellij.

Task: Curly line count.

Use curl to fetch this file: https://codeberg.org/mo8it/collective-score/raw/commit/4ff0cd6f871e4a17a7ecd36d7d01ca7713c11ca1/Cargo.toml

You don't have to save it to disk!

Now, pipe the output of curl into wc (with some option) to count the number of characters.

🟢 Pipe the number of characters into cs task curly-wc.


  • curl … | … | cs task curly-wc

Task: IO redirections

I placed a program called mixed-output-generator on your system.

If you run it, it will create the file dont_overwrite.txt in your current directory and output random text to both stdout and stderr.

First, run it while writing its standard output to the file normal_output.log and its standard error to the file errors.log.

After that, run it again while writing both standard output and standard error to the same file verbose.log.

Now, run it for the last time while appending the standard output to the file dont_overwrite.txt that it creates.

🟢 Run cs task redirections.

Task: Gimme that PDF 😈

The following website uses a PDF file but it doesn't let you download it: https://knowunity.de/knows/biologie-neurobiologie-1c6a4647-4707-4d1b-8ffb-e7a750582921

Now that you are kind of a "hacker", you want to use a workaround 😈

Use curl, pipes |, rg (ripgrep) and xargs to parse the HTML of the web page, extract the link to the PDF file and download it. Save the PDF file using the name knowunity.pdf.

The link to the PDF file starts with https:// and ends with .pdf.

🟢 Run cs task pdf in the same directory where the downloaded PDF file is.


  • To capture a regex group using ripgrep, you should use rg '.*(GROUP_PATTERN).*' -r '$1' after replacing GROUP_PATTERN with the pattern that you are looking for.
  • If you find the link of the file using rg, copy it into a browser to make sure that you got a correct link to a PDF file.

Task: Vim game

In this task, we are going to play a game! 🎮️

The game is an educational game that lets you learn the very basics of navigation in Vim which we learn about later. But for now, I can get familiar with the basics during the game.

Play the game on this website: https://vim-adventures.com